What is Homeopathy? क्या है होम्योपैथी ?
There is a variety of medical systems present in the world today for human and animals.They are being used for animals and birds In addition to human as well.In these medical systems Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Energy Healing Like Reiki are also included.The inventor of Homeopathy Dr.Samuel Hahnemann was born on April 10th 1755 in Meissen Germany.Dr.Hahnemann took education from allopathic medical System, and after completion of his M.D. he did clinical practice for 10 years with the same medical system. Dr.Hahnemann was having knowledge of Europian languages and chemistry along with the allopathic physician. He was doing the translation of English books into german and other languages as well as medical practice and chemistry work for daily income. But probably the Nature planned something better for him. While translating Dr.Cullen's book Cullen Materia Medica Dr. Hahnemann encountered the claim that, the
bark of a Peruvian tree Cinchona was effective in treating malaria. Although Cinchona cures malaria completely, but on another side it also produces same symptom in the healthy body.The statement by Dr.Cullen about Cinchona given such an impact on Dr. Hahnemann's own thinking, endlessly he invented The Homeopathy.
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